2023 Q4 (Oct-Dec)
2023 Q3 (July-Sept)
2023 Q2 (Apr-Jun)
2023 Q1 (Jan-Mar)
2022 Q4 (Oct-Dec)
2022 Q3 (July-Sept)
2022 Q2 (April-June)
2022 Q1 (Jan-March)
- Seven individuals from LifePath attended a White Ally Toolkit training, let by Rob Seward in partnership with the YWCA.
- Thirteen individuals from LifePath attended the NAACP Newark Chapter Freedom Fund Banquet. LifePath Church sponsored a table for $750. LifePath was also the recipient of the Jane and Littleton Mitchell Award for Community Service.
2023 Q3 (July-Sept)
- Racial Justice Compassion Team was formalized, including a monthly meeting, regular emails regarding community events and initiatives, and a set schedule for Sunday morning sharing and solidarity prayers related to racial equity. The team will advise and suggest new initiatives to the Vision Team regarding racial justice work.
2023 Q2 (Apr-Jun)
- StorySpace shared of opportunities through NAACP; membership invitation extended
- Agreed to become a Partner Church for Friends of School Hill Association Juneteenth Celebration, with sixteen volunteers present at the Celebration. An encouraging story from the event was shared publicly on a Sunday morning by one individual.
- The informal formation of a future racial justice compassion team began, spearheaded by Rob and Cami Seward
- Rob Seward invited to consider offering a "White Ally Toolkit" Course later in 2023.
2023 Q1 (Jan-Mar)
- Vision Team formalization of a 2023 Action Plan on racial justice, shared publicly and with the LifePath community.
- LifePath community invited to attend the UD Ida B. Wells Lecture on “Black Mothers and Police Violence” (March 7), with initiated post-lecture conversations among attendees to process the lecture through the lens of Jesus.
- Start of a new Monthly Prayer of Solidarity rhythm at Sunday Gatherings to grow awareness of and compassion for issues of race.
- Integration of considerations related to racism and racial justice into the Sunday Lenten message series on healing.
2022 Q4 (Oct-Dec)
- Build the Advent season message series around convictions, history, and context conveyed in spirituals of Black slaves in America.
- Partnership with Life Community Church and the UD Gospel Choir to host a winter concert and worship night, and intentional incorporation of the church community in helping run the event.
- Vision Team commitment to outlining a Racial Justice Action Plan at a Vision Team retreat in Q1 2023.
- Vision Team commitment to a LifePath community assessment in calendar year 2023.
2022 Q3 (July-Sept)
- Partnership with Yvonne Bradley to host a multi-week book study on Latasha Morrison’s book, “Be the Bridge,” open to everyone who calls LifePath home.
- Post-book study Sunday message dedicated to reflecting on the book study participants’ learnings, experiences, and convictions.
- Addition of lament to Common Prayer; encouragement of the church to practice a posture of lament in prayer (building off learnings from “Be the Bridge”).
- Pastoral Team commitment to seeking out ways to integrate more diverse voices and perspectives into Sunday morning messages.
2022 Q2 (April-June)
- Racial Justice webpage established for information, accountability, and feedback
- Racial Justice update and check in was added as a standing Agenda item for every monthly Vision Team Meeting
- Commitment to monthly Sunday morning updates about current action steps (also given via print/email)
2022 Q1 (Jan-March)
- LifePath Task Force on Racial Justice submitted recommendations to the LifePath Pastoral Team, Vision Team, and church community for how to commit to racial justice as a church (March 15, 2022).