One Church, Three Branches
At LifePath Church, we express our life in Christ through three branches.
- We believe that it’s important to gather together as Jesus followers for worship, celebration, and hearing His word. Celebration Gathering is about inspiration.
- We also believe that you can’t learn to be a disciple in a worship service or a classroom. We learn to follow Jesus by by practice and by imitation. In Missional Communities, we walk side-by-side with other disciples on the same life path, journeying and growing together in Christ. Meal Communities are about imitation.
- But sometimes imitation isn’t enough. Sometimes we need a little more knowledge to begin — or continue — our journey as a disciple. Life Seminars are where we take time to study and grow in ways that will help us become better Jesus followers. Life Seminars are for information.
Life Seminars
Life Seminars aren’t just classes. These seminars provide a place where Christ followers come together to gain knowledge, explore ideas, and learn new practices that will help us as we walk with Jesus. Life Seminars are designed to deepen our inward journey with Christ, which we call spiritual formation.
What do you mean by Spiritual Formation?
Christian spiritual formation is the process of being formed in the image of Jesus. It’s different than education because it implies a change of the heart, and ultimately, our actions and priorities. On the other hand, education is the imparting of knowledge and information, which is essentially the basis for formation. So, they go together. In our seminars, we explore new information (education) so that our hearts and lives will be changed as we walk with Jesus (formation)
What is a Seminar
A seminar is participatory, while a class is passive. We believe that the process of formation and education is a collaborative effort. In our seminars participants share from their own experiences and we learn from one another. Plus, the latin root for seminar is seminarium, which means “seed plot.” Here at LifePath, we’re all about planting seeds.