Let’s clarify one thing for this section — Christian faith is about more than cognitive head knowledge. What you believe matters greatly, but like Jesus said about the man who built a house on a good foundation (Matt. 7:24), real faith is about both believing AND doing. If we’re not living out what we believe, then we don’t really believe it. In other words… what we think should always translate into how we live regarding both God and life!
Jesus came not intending to start a new religion, but to introduce us in a new way to our creator. So WHO we believe in is probably the better question. We follow Jesus, seeking to emulate his life, and know God as revealed through Jesus.
It’s easy to use lots of catchphrases that can create misunderstandings when we talk about beliefs. We’ll keep it fairly simple. LifePath Church holds to the orthodox truths of the Christian faith. Even within that, however, there’s diversity. We are a community where people who have doubts, uncertainties, or different belief systems are welcome to join us and engage in life and discussion. We promise you won’t feel attacked.
We trust the Scriptures. We see the whole redemptive story of the Bible as ultimately pointing to Jesus, and therefore see the gospels and the teachings of Christ as central to what we believe and how we live. We also read the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament, understanding that God is fully revealed through the incarnation of Jesus (God’s Son). We believe that what Jesus did on the cross, as he willingly died, taking our own sin and brokenness, allows us to have complete access to the grace of God through Christ. And we believe that through the resurrection of Jesus, death-as-the-end was defeated, and we can know God in a more personal way than ever before, which includes the incredible promise of life with God forever. We also believe that God’s kingdom is present now (as Jesus said), and that we are each invited to simply step into the grace and forgiveness of God, and experience the fullness of life that comes from following Jesus as both our Lord and Savior. As we trust the Holy Spirit to help shape us to become more like Jesus, we become true disciples. And that’s a really good way to live.
We also know that as we study the Scriptures together there will be tensions, and things that are difficult to understand, mysterious, or just downright weird. That’s just the reality of it. So we dive into it all, and trust that God will give us the right insight to be able to represent Him well in the world. This takes a lot of humility. We don’t know it all, and we don’t have all the answers. Nor do we want to act like it. But we want to be transformed by Jesus every day as he brings new life to us and teaches us how to love the Father and love others better. That’s something worth giving our lives to.
Jesus came not intending to start a new religion, but to introduce us in a new way to our creator. So WHO we believe in is probably the better question. We follow Jesus, seeking to emulate his life, and know God as revealed through Jesus.
It’s easy to use lots of catchphrases that can create misunderstandings when we talk about beliefs. We’ll keep it fairly simple. LifePath Church holds to the orthodox truths of the Christian faith. Even within that, however, there’s diversity. We are a community where people who have doubts, uncertainties, or different belief systems are welcome to join us and engage in life and discussion. We promise you won’t feel attacked.
We trust the Scriptures. We see the whole redemptive story of the Bible as ultimately pointing to Jesus, and therefore see the gospels and the teachings of Christ as central to what we believe and how we live. We also read the Old Testament through the lens of the New Testament, understanding that God is fully revealed through the incarnation of Jesus (God’s Son). We believe that what Jesus did on the cross, as he willingly died, taking our own sin and brokenness, allows us to have complete access to the grace of God through Christ. And we believe that through the resurrection of Jesus, death-as-the-end was defeated, and we can know God in a more personal way than ever before, which includes the incredible promise of life with God forever. We also believe that God’s kingdom is present now (as Jesus said), and that we are each invited to simply step into the grace and forgiveness of God, and experience the fullness of life that comes from following Jesus as both our Lord and Savior. As we trust the Holy Spirit to help shape us to become more like Jesus, we become true disciples. And that’s a really good way to live.
We also know that as we study the Scriptures together there will be tensions, and things that are difficult to understand, mysterious, or just downright weird. That’s just the reality of it. So we dive into it all, and trust that God will give us the right insight to be able to represent Him well in the world. This takes a lot of humility. We don’t know it all, and we don’t have all the answers. Nor do we want to act like it. But we want to be transformed by Jesus every day as he brings new life to us and teaches us how to love the Father and love others better. That’s something worth giving our lives to.