Spiritual Prescriptions
We're all a bit weary and in need of healthy practices to point us toward Jesus....
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Let's memorize this simple prayer together, and remember that God is merciful! If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Let's memorize this simple prayer together, and remember that God is merciful! If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

be_merciful_to_me.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day, reflect on one of the virtues Paul mentions. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day, reflect on one of the virtues Paul mentions. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

colossians_3_12.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week, we're practicing delight. Read through the scripture, and choose a focus for your delight. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week, we're practicing delight. Read through the scripture, and choose a focus for your delight. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

micah_6_8.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day this week, reflect on one specific area that you are lacking perseverance Come to Jesus for rest and strength, and ask him to give you joy as you grow in this area. We encourage you to journal your prayers this week as you reflect. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day this week, reflect on one specific area that you are lacking perseverance Come to Jesus for rest and strength, and ask him to give you joy as you grow in this area. We encourage you to journal your prayers this week as you reflect. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

consider_it_an_opportunity_for_joy.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day this week, reflect on one way that Jesus has set you free. Explore the rest of Galatians if you need ideas. Throughout your day, take note of moments where you lose sight of the grace filled freedom you have, and give thanks to God. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day this week, reflect on one way that Jesus has set you free. Explore the rest of Galatians if you need ideas. Throughout your day, take note of moments where you lose sight of the grace filled freedom you have, and give thanks to God. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

christ_has_truly_set_us_free.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect all week on this sentence, and each day take time to identify one place that you send Jesus dwelling among you now. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect all week on this sentence, and each day take time to identify one place that you send Jesus dwelling among you now. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

word_became_flesh.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on the words of Jesus. Each day this week, pray genuinely for one person for whom it is difficult for you to pray. God will give you renewed compassion. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on the words of Jesus. Each day this week, pray genuinely for one person for whom it is difficult for you to pray. God will give you renewed compassion. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

love_your_enemies.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on the prayer of St. Augustine. Remember, holy means "set apart in the character of God." Invite Jesus daily to help you keep moving toward his character. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on the prayer of St. Augustine. Remember, holy means "set apart in the character of God." Invite Jesus daily to help you keep moving toward his character. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

st_augustine.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Insert the name of Jesus in place of love, and consider how he embodies each statement. Insert your own name, and ask God to help you embody this kingdom of love as well. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Reflect this week on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Insert the name of Jesus in place of love, and consider how he embodies each statement. Insert your own name, and ask God to help you embody this kingdom of love as well. If it's helpful, check in with your prescription partner, if you have one.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

love.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week, consider the ways you are longing for God to meet you and work in the world. Choose a daily phrase to reflect on, perhaps by simply writing it over and over in your journal as you sit with Jesus.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week, consider the ways you are longing for God to meet you and work in the world. Choose a daily phrase to reflect on, perhaps by simply writing it over and over in your journal as you sit with Jesus.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

names_of_god.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week's prescription is for self examination that leads to action. Each day invite Jesus to speak to you about what is in your own heart, and invite God to give clarity toward actions that embody the Kingdom of God.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. This week's prescription is for self examination that leads to action. Each day invite Jesus to speak to you about what is in your own heart, and invite God to give clarity toward actions that embody the Kingdom of God.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

search_me_o_god.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Open yourself to Jesus with this prayer each day. During the week, make note of how you are seeing Christ in your own life in these areas. If it's helpful sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Open yourself to Jesus with this prayer each day. During the week, make note of how you are seeing Christ in your own life in these areas. If it's helpful sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

st._patricks_prayer.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day, reflect on this passage and pick a focus word from the last sentence. Keep an eye out for where God helps you do something hard as you follow Jesus.
Write down moments where God brings strength and courage to live faithfully this week. If it's helpful sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: Download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Each day, reflect on this passage and pick a focus word from the last sentence. Keep an eye out for where God helps you do something hard as you follow Jesus.
Write down moments where God brings strength and courage to live faithfully this week. If it's helpful sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
For a higher resolution image, download this file:

power_love_self_control.png |
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Listen for Jesus as you read this each day. At least once, take the time to rewrite this poem in a way that is personal to you, or write it as a prayer on behalf of someone you are praying for. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out. Listen for Jesus as you read this each day. At least once, take the time to rewrite this poem in a way that is personal to you, or write it as a prayer on behalf of someone you are praying for. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out, and reflect on it each day. Write down one phrase or activity that will help you direct your mind to Jesus and what he's all about. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out, and reflect on it each day. Write down one phrase or activity that will help you direct your mind to Jesus and what he's all about. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out, and pray it daily. As you do, take a few minutes to be with Jesus and rest in the peace of God. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.
This week's spiritual prescription: download this picture to your phone, or print it out, and pray it daily. As you do, take a few minutes to be with Jesus and rest in the peace of God. Sometime during the week, check in with your partner and share how your experience is going.