February 3-5, 2023 The Junction Center Manheim, PA Join LifePath Teens for an amazing event that will knock your socks off! Learn more about Zeteo HERE. This year's speaker is our very own Keith Miller. Here are the details: Leave: from Aspira at 4:30pm on Friday, 2/3 Return: to Aspira at 2:30pm on Sunday, 2/5 Cost: $100/person BUT: Do not let cost keep you from attending. We have options. Registration due: Sunday, 11/27 Payment options:
Explore payment options (or for any other questions): Reach out to Adam (302) 388-4804 (text or call) or Melanie (443) 553-4172 (text or call) or e-mail [email protected] Fill out the info below by SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH A quick note: Those of us who grew up in the evangelical church sometimes have strong feelings about youth retreats, and the emotional manipulation we experienced at these events. We want to assure you that this experience will not echo those. Salt 'n Light Youth Ministry is an organization Keith and Bethany have a history with and a high level of trust in. With Keith as the speaker, we can all trust the teaching will be solid. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Adam.
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